Governor Laura Kelly today announced that her Commission on Racial Equity and Justice has released their final report, including recommendations to various levels of government on ways to improve racial equity in economic systems, education, and healthcare.
“I want to thank the Commission for developing another round of pragmatic, well-researched recommendations to improve racial equity and justice in our state,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “My administration remains committed to working together to address inequities and improve the health and well-being of every Kansas community.”
In June of 2020, Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive Order No. 20-48, establishing the Governor’s Commission on Racial Equity and Justice to study relevant issues in Kansas. The Commission, led by co-chairs Dr. Tiffany Anderson and Dr. Shannon Portillo, held bi-weekly meetings with information from guest presenters over the past year and a half.
“In speaking with local, state, and national experts, the Commission was able to develop a vision and pathway to move forward and improve equity efforts statewide,” said co-chairs Dr. Tiffany Anderson and Dr. Shannon Portillo. “We are all excited to see how different entities in the state will implement these ideas to improve Kansas communities for all residents.”
The governor appointed a diverse group of professionals from law enforcement, academia, public education, public health, local government, the justice system, and more to spearhead the Commission’s work. The Commission began its work focusing on law enforcement and policing, releasing a report in December 2020 with over 60 recommendations for improving racial equity and justice at different levels of government. Today’s release contains an additional 124 recommendations – some of which were included in the Commission’s July 2021 interim report.
Since their first report, the Commission has met with dozens of stakeholders and relevant professionals across the state and collected input for recommendations on improving equity in economic systems, education, and healthcare in Kansas.
The Commission’s final report can be found here.
A summary of new items added in the final report can be found here.
The Commission’s previous reports and other materials can be found here.